Sunday, February 22, 2009


I am pleased with how this photo turned out - except the only thing I can't figure out is why the sky is such a bright white.  The sun was behind me, actually it was hidden behind a building behind me.  Any ideas?


  1. was the foreground really dark? what were the settings on your camera? maybe the camera over exposed the background to make the foreground properly exposed?

  2. next time, set your cam to M and meter the sky. adjust the meter until you get a proper exposure, then recompose and remember your aperature and SS and take the photo - this will allow you to keep the sky. you will a potentially underexposed forground, but you can slowly change your settings untily ou find your happy medium. your SS was just too darn long and overexposed the sky. the dark buildings were darker, so the camera metered for the longer exposure, thus blowing out the detail in the sky.

    if you can adjust the exposure a little, you can bring back the building in PS a little.

    looking good - really, though, i love the image how it is =)
